Following a rigorous battery of tests, Embraer has decided to upgrade its Embraer E170 with Michelin Air X radial tires, featuring the patented Near Zero Growth (NZG) technology, which will be fitted to the regional jet aircraft.
The Embraer E170 was launched in 2004, and was originally fitted with bias tires. In 2010, Michelin was the first radial tire to be approved on the E170 with the Michelin Air X M19601 tire. Since, the Embraer and Michelin teams started to work hand-in-hand to better understand the sensitivity of the twinned tires on the landing gear to “shimmy”. The new tire has been modified to desensitize this effect, with Michelin engineers using a technology imported from bicycle tires. This change heralded the development of the Michelin Air X M19602, which has been tested for landings up to 190 knots (352 km/h), and the re-homologation of Michelin radial tires on the Embraer E170.
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